Friday, June 17, 2016


The Action Bible, also known as the comic Bible is going to be available in Kiswahili!!

The exciting part is that the translation project was proposed to PamojaMinistries about 29 years ago, but due to their current setup they did not accept it. Last year, 28 years down the line I was available to translate the book at age 28!! God's plan and timing is the best.

The translation period was a little demanding and tough; but when I was finished translating, Lucy done with first edit, and we were re-editing it, it was fun. The three of us spent three hours every day sitting on a table and repeatedly reading through the 750 paged book.

There were times when I had to put my foot down and object when someone wanted to change my writing style or choice of words, and there were times when I just had to swallow hard as we decided to press the delete button on a sentence or word that I had spent a good amount of time and coffee constructing it! Yay to team work!

When we got to page 333 of the book, we marched around the working table three times, when we got to page 444, we raced around the office block four times. On page 555 we dragged all of Pamoja and went to pray over the new land, and then 666 came... this was a huge one and also the last one; something special had to be done. We established it was men's number so we had to be a little dramatic. All Pamoja and guests marched around a flower garden six times singing, "I'm in the Lord's Army"! Yes sir!

That was an exciting period that is now gone since we finished working on the #ActionBible#, hurray!

I hope and pray that this book will be a valuable resource to those who will get a hold of it.

We had good discussions, bible study like moments in those three hours of re-editing. Young and old wisdom exchanged hands, laughter and gloominess; but in all of that, the big picture before us (not literally) was Jesus' outstretched arms inviting us all to Him.

So happy and humbled to have been part of this project.

Laying lives for generations

Friday, May 27, 2016


It's possible!!
You don't have to tell anyone that you helped someone, or you participated in this grand project that was a huge success!

Once your project is out there, the smiles and the frowns it puts on people's faces will tell all about you without you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


I have big dreams!!

I have potential!! 

I am hardworking!! 

I can make it to the top!!

This is has become a common story among my fellow  young adults. it is also an evidence of a wide shared struggle.

This struggle is real!! There are so many obstacles, challenges, limitations that make this struggle harder at each wake. They vary from culture, location, social setting, economic status, religious beliefs and even family backgrounds.

We are all struggling to break free! 

Freedom is an exceptional commodity but it certainly is very hard to acquire.

But it is possible to break free; more importantly, you can acquire freedom without having to lose essential relationships.

This a walk that is worth participating in if you want to be the future! There are many ways to acquire freedom but only some of them will lead you to true freedom.

Remember, the only way to utilise our potential and time to fullfill our dreams is by #breaking free#!!

Let's try and share our views and experiences on how we have acquired or are in the process of acquiring freedom!!

See you soon! I hope :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


DESTINY WAY: INCAPABLE?: Ever felt incapable? coz I do often times currently. Yet God has placed you in a certain position at such a time like this! Some other peopl...

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Ever felt incapable? coz I do often times currently. Yet God has placed you in a certain position at such a time like this! Some other people think you are a joke, others support you just so they are not on the opposite side, those who have the belief that life is a fight that depends on how determined and strong you are and either there's no God or every man for himself and God for us all; don't care about what you do or don't do as long as you don't get into their way on the wrong side.....and still there are few out there who believe that God is working through you and they sincerely stand with you even in the rain!!

So are you Gideon, Esther, Joseph, Moses, Noah...........there's got to be something in you that can be used to expand the Kingdom of God. You are no required to change the World but you need to affect the World with the Good News of Hope and Life Eternal that God has given to us through His Son Jesus. It's doable, and in different ways and means even if they seem not to make sense.
I have helped translate some of it, edit and now binding it!! It's a handy book for pastors and leaders...."

Sunday, August 31, 2014